Divine Feminine Leadership: THE SHIFT

You can build your business in the masculine, success has been done in the masculine for centuries...but is that what you REALLY desire?

Success while holding - EMBODYING - your own feminine leadership, is the new frontier.

Leadership from the feminine allows for a new way of reaching the highest levels of success while healing, growing in, and embodying the love that your inner feminine goddess craves.

Feminine energy magnetizes with potency and flow.

In the feminine, more than one of us can rise.

We can all rise.

We can all win.

WHAT IF...greater levels of success could be had through the energy of your womanhood?

Your life becomes more than just a series of to-do lists and hustling to pay the bills…it becomes a work of art.

You step into receiving not just for what you do or what you have, but for WHO YOU ARE.


An Activation is a spark that ignites change…

After the activation, you have a decision to make…Stay the course or SHIFT.

True magic happens when you embrace a shift into Divine Feminine Leadership.

Things move fast.

Pieces fall into place.

Abundance explodes.

Join us as we walk you through THE SHIFT: Divine Feminine Leadership...

...A world of unlimited possibilities.

...A space where action and desire support each other and expand as one.

...A paradigm where you operate on the highest frequency as a match to aligned personal power and wealth. 

In The Shift you will learn how to make this life-changing transformation into divine feminine leadership for your life and business, so you can grow and evolve in the most freeing and expansive way possible.

THE SHIFT is 9 modules covering:

△Tuning into Your Feminine Frequency (Unleashing the Your Wild Wisdom Within)

△ Positions of Power: Your Unique Selling Points

△ Aligning Your Voice: Profit Centers

△ Owning Your Worth: Creating Luscious Money

△ Collapsing Time: Manifesting your NEXT level Desires at Hyper Speed.

We are dedicated to mastering a new path to wealth creation and expressing it for your impact.

▷ Are you ready to shift into more?

Your Feminine Magnetism is about to be unleashed! 

Course curriculum

    1. Module 1: Your Feminine Frequency - Leading with the Feminine

    2. Module 2: Calling in Your Desires

    3. Module 3: Unraveling Old Programming // Following Your Inner Authority

    4. Module 4: Luscious Money

    5. Module 5: Positions of Power

    6. Module 6: Energetic Direction

    7. Module 7: Profit Centers & Selling in Your Feminine

    8. Module 8: Calibrate Higher - Manifesting at Hyper Speed / Collapsing Time

    9. Module 9: Integration Q&A

About this course

  • $888.00
  • 9 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

Meet Your Mentors

Coaches & Co-founders of Luscious Hustle Betsy & Laura Milne

Betsy Milne & Laura Milne are business coaches, podcast hosts, and creators behind the growing global community and coaching brand, Luscious Hustle! Betsy and Laura share a common purpose: To help women align with their human design, and harness the energetic and leadership tools they need to find ease, flow, and effortless magnetism within their business. Betsy & Laura run group programs, masterminds and take on 1:1 VIP clients. Born from the ashes of burnout, Luscious Hustle was created to redefine what it means to “hustle” as an online entrepreneur. In less than a year, they harnessed their passion to build a six-figure business that supported the lifestyle and time freedom they craved.

Your Shift to Divine Feminine Leadership...

Building your dream in your feminine is wildly exciting!! Be prepared to amaze yourself with how much power, passion, and wealth is waiting for you.