Does this sound familiar?

You set money goals for yourself, but they always seem to fall through...

  • You know you have an amazing offer, but you clam up whenever you talk about it.
  • You're afraid you will seem pushy.  You don't want anyone to think less of you for pitching your offer... But you want to make money with your work!
  • Money worries are taking up space in your mind... all day, every day (and it's exhausting!)
  • Your business is not as profitable as it could be.  You see other people making high ticket sales with ease... but you are still stumbling through your pitches.
  • Making money feels like the ONE THING you can't master.

If this sounds like you... you are in the right place!

You’re not bad at making money…

You’re just not doing it the way you were designed to. It’s time to tap into the science of your Human Design

How we sell and make money changed forever when we discovered Human Design.

The Human Design System is a practical tool that shows you how you exert energy, make decisions, and communicate with others.

Human Design is an incredibly specific way to learn about your personality, purpose, emotions, energy, intuition, and creative process, which is completely unique to you based on your exact time, date, and place of birth.

Through experimentation and applying the science of Human Design to our business, we were able to master how to sell and make money by tapping into the Profit Centers that we each possess. 

We realized we weren't BAD at making money; we just didn’t know HOW to sell in the way that we are each naturally born to.

We are here to show you a better way!

What if...

Sales became the most satisfying + simple action in your business?

In the Profit Centers, you will learn how to:

  • Speak your way to sales & make money the way you were naturally designed to!ng on your needs

  • Confidently use the specific sales language and strategies that are correct for your design.

  • Make sales in a way that you and your new client will feel good about. (NEVER use another pushy sales strategy ever again!)

  • Talk about your offer so it’s an absolute ‘HELL YES’ for your ideal client! (Even at a high price point!)

  • Use your specific Human Design Strategy to work and earn money in alignment with your purpose.

  • Work smarter, not harder for your money!

The Profit Centers

Join the Profit Centers Masterclass and get instant access now! The value of this program is $444 USD and includes lifetime access to all program materials, including future LIVE sessions.

3 Day Masterclass

    1. Welcome - Start Here

    2. Profit Centers Survey

    1. Module 1 - Money by Design (Oct 11, 2022)

    2. Module 1 Workbook

    3. Module 1 Handout

    4. Module 2 - The Profit Centers (Oct 12 2022)

    5. Module 2 Workbook

    6. Module 2 Handout

    7. Module 3 - Sell by Design (Oct 13, 2022)

    8. Module 3 Workbook

    9. Module 3 Handout

About this course

  • $333.00
  • 11 lessons
  • 3.5 hours of video content